Our sensory film screenings for under 5’s have relaxed seating with beans bags and cushions, sensory play materials and specially chosen early years films are perfect for little ones to get their first cinema experience.
Each screening will have free play time before the film, a craft activity and screening of the film! We ensure the volume is quieter than a normal cinema and lighting is slightly brighter to create a welcoming experience for everyone.
These are fun, relaxing and interactive sessions with lots to do and explore. Please be aware due to a new booking system all attendees, adults, toddlers and babies must have a ticket.
1 0 - 10.15: Welcome families and craft activity/free play. The film will begin at 10.15am
If you have any questions or concerns please contact
EvaD Ould-Okojie,
Development Officer, Oldham Heritage, Library and Arts Service