What's On Oldham

Tenancy Relations Service

Failsworth Town Hall Oldham Rd, Failsworth

If you rent your home from a private landlord and have questions about your rights, or need further advice or information, the Tenancy Relations Service can help.

1-1 Business Information Session

BIPC Oldham Oldham Library & Lifelong Learning Centre, Greaves Street, Oldham, United Kingdom

Book a 1-1 Business Information Session to talk with an information professional about the resources available to your business.

Event Series Play, learn and grow

Homestart Play, learn and grow

Beever Family Hub Moorby Street, Oldham

Play, Learn, Grow is a supportive 8 week coaching programme which focuses on supporting parents to support their child’s learning and development at home. The programme is aimed at children aged 2-5 and empowers parents by giving activity ideas and strategies to try at home. We also incorporate REAL (Raising Early Achievement in Literacy) into […]

An Introduction to Qi Gong

Oldham Library & Lifelong Learning Centre Greaves Street, Oldham, United Kingdom

Take some time out for your mind, body and soul. Come along and learn this ancient form of movement derived from chinese medical philosophy that engages mind, body and breath. What is qigong? Qigong is a system of coordinated movement, breathing, and meditation It's part of traditional Chinese medicine The goal is to optimize energy […]

Event Series Baby Clinic

Baby Clinic

Saddleworth North and South Children’s Centre Wellington Road, Oldham, Select a State:, United Kingdom

Parents can get the health information and advice they need for their young children by attending well baby clinics. During the clinics, parents can have their babies weighed and checked, and seek advice about all aspects of feeding, nursing and caring for babies and pre-school children.

Event Series Failsworth Baby Bistro

Failsworth Baby Bistro

Medlock Vale Family Hub Hadfield Street, Oldham, United Kingdom

Infant feeding information and support, meet new parents, practical help and advice on feeding your baby. Drop in When your baby has arrived we can provide support & information around all your feeding choices by telephone & at home visits For more information Please call or text 07802883947   Venue: Failsworth Town Hall Failsworth Library […]

Event Series Stay and Play

Baby Play

Spring Meadows Family Hub Leamington Street, Oldham

Free play and stimulation sessions for children up to five years old. Booking only please - contact the Family Hub for more details.

Baby Bistro

Failsworth Town Hall Oldham Rd, Failsworth

Infant feeding information and support. Meet new parents and get practical help and advice on feeding your baby.

Event Series Play and Weigh

Play and Weigh

Failsworth Town Hall Oldham Rd, Failsworth

Free play and stimulation sessions for children up to five years old. See a Health Visitor to discuss your child’s development and answer any of your questions or concerns.

Event Series Baby Clinic

Baby Clinic

Medlock Vale Family Hub Hadfield Street, Oldham, United Kingdom

Parents can get the health information and advice they need for their young children by attending well baby clinics. During the clinics, parents can have their babies weighed and checked, and seek advice about all aspects of feeding, nursing and caring for babies and pre-school children.   Venue: Failsworth Town Hall Failsworth Library (In The […]
