What's On Oldham

Development Clinic

Saddleworth North and South Children’s Centre Wellington Road, Oldham, Select a State:, United Kingdom

Development clinics check the progress of children aged 9-12 months and 24-30 months. Health Visitors conduct assessments to help parents ensure their children are developing well. Many things can be discussed, including diet, sleep, oral health, toileting, parenting, immunizations, and social, emotional, and physical development. Bookings only, please contact the centre for details.

Stay and play

St Barnabas Church Arundel St, Oldham, United Kingdom

Free play and stimulation sessions for children up to five years old.

Event Series Play and Weigh

Play and Weigh

Failsworth Town Hall Oldham Rd, Failsworth

Free play and stimulation sessions for children up to five years old. See a Health Visitor to discuss your child’s development and answer any of your questions or concerns.

Live@TheLibrary: Bi-Topia

Oldham Library & Lifelong Learning Centre Greaves Street, Oldham, United Kingdom

A comedic, touching and candid piece of new writing by northern theatre maker Sam Danson.BI-TOPIA is a joyful, chaotic and honest coming-of-age story, exploring the authentic Bisexual experience, bravely delving into under-represented links between poor mental health, sexuality and masculinity.A comedic, touching and candid piece of new writing by northern theatre maker Sam Danson.Contains some […]

Development clinic

Beever Family Hub Moorby Street, Oldham

Development clinics are offered at the family hubs to assess the development of children between the ages of 9-12 months and 24-30 months old by practitioners from the Health Visiting service. This is to support parents in knowing their child’s development is on track. This service is by appointment only. A variety of health topics […]

Baby Bistro

Saddleworth North and South Children’s Centre Wellington Road, Oldham, Select a State:, United Kingdom

Infant feeding information and support. Meet new parents and get practical help and advice on feeding your baby.

Baby Clinic

Spring Meadows Family Hub Leamington Street, Oldham

See a Health Visitor to discuss your child’s development and answer any of your questions or concerns. Bookings only, please contact the Family Hub for details.

Citizens Advice Drop-In

Honeywell Centre Hadfield St, Hathershaw

Citizens Advice provides free, confidential, independent and impartial advice on a broad range of issues including: Benefits, Consumer, Discrimination, Employment, Families and Relationships, Housing and Money Advice.

Bounce and Rhyme

Oldham Library & Lifelong Learning Centre Greaves Street, Oldham, United Kingdom

Rhyming sessions for under 5s


Chat and choose

Northmoor Library Chadderton Way, Oldham, England, United Kingdom

Pop in to Northmoor Library and have a brew and a chat with others about books or anything you like.


Toddler Music Session

Spring Meadows Family Hub Leamington Street, Oldham

Drop in session for parents and toddlers to have fun making music.

Friends of Beever Family Hub

Beever Family Hub Moorby Street, Oldham

Come along for a chance to meet families, support each other and your children to play at the Family Hubs. The Early Help team attend this session to offer signposting to other helpful services and support available in your area.
