What's On Oldham

Event Series 3Cs Chess Club

3Cs Chess Club

St Edwards Parish Hall Spring Lane, Lees, United Kingdom

3Cs chess club was formed in 1978, originally to provide local school children in the Oldham area with an opportunity to learn the game. The club draws its members mainly from schools competing in the Oldham Primary Schools’ League, although every child is welcomed to the club. The name “Children’s Chess Club” is a constant […]

Event Series Foster Carer - Kinship Group

Foster Carer - Kinship Group

Stanley Road Family Hub Derby Street, Oldham

Our Kinship Foster Support group: a support group session for family and friend carers, or Special Guardians of children who are Looked After Children or have previously been Looked After. It is a safe space for carers and guardians to meet people in a similar position as themselves, to reach out for support and make […]

Event Series Baby Clinic

Baby Clinic

Alexandra Children’s Centre Wildmoor Avenue, Oldham

Parents can get the health information and advice they need for their young children by attending well baby clinics. During the sessions you can play with your baby, in the […]

Event Series Development Clinic

Development Clinic

Saddleworth North and South Children’s Centre Wellington Road, Oldham, Select a State:, United Kingdom

Development clinics are offered at the family hubs to assess the development of children between the ages of 9-12 months and 24-30 months old by practitioners from the Health Visiting service. This is to support parents in knowing their child’s development is on track. This service is by appointment only. A variety of health topics […]

Development clinic

Beever Family Hub Moorby Street, Oldham

Development clinics are offered at the family hubs to assess the development of children between the ages of 9-12 months and 24-30 months old by practitioners from the Health Visiting service. This is to support parents in knowing their child’s development is on track. This service is by appointment only. A variety of health topics […]

Event Series Baby Clinic

Baby Clinic

Lees Library 9 Thomas Street, Lees, England, United Kingdom

Parents can get the health information and advice they need for their young children by attending well baby clinics. During the clinics, parents can have their babies weighed and checked, and seek advice about all aspects of feeding, nursing and caring for babies and pre-school children.

Baby Bistro

Saddleworth North and South Children’s Centre Wellington Road, Oldham, Select a State:, United Kingdom

Infant feeding information and support. Meet new parents and get practical help and advice on feeding your baby.
