What's On Oldham

ABL Smoking Clinic

Failsworth Town Hall Oldham Rd, Failsworth

The most effective way to quit smoking is with the help of a local stop-smoking service. Work with a specialist advisor to develop a tailored quit plan that suits you.

Development clinic

Beever Family Hub Moorby Street, Oldham

Development clinics are offered at the family hubs to assess the development of children between the ages of 9-12 months and 24-30 months old by practitioners from the Health Visiting […]

Baby Bistro

Shaw Family Hub High Street, Shaw, Oldham, United Kingdom

Infant feeding information and support, meet new parents, practical help and advice on feeding your baby. Drop in Home-Start Infant Feeding Peer Support Team also offer antenatal workshops. When your […]

Citizens Advice Drop-In

Lees Library 9 Thomas Street, Lees, England, United Kingdom

Citizens Advice provides free, confidential, independent and impartial advice on a broad range of issues including: Benefits, Consumer, Discrimination, Employment, Families and Relationships, Housing and Money Advice.
