What's On Oldham

Citizens Advice Drop-In

Chadderton Wellbeing Centre Burnley Street, Chadderton, United Kingdom

Citizens Advice provides free, confidential, independent and impartial advice on a broad range of issues including: Benefits, Consumer, Discrimination, Employment, Families and Relationships, Housing and Money Advice.

Quality Sport

Willowpark Primary Academy Vulcan Street, Oldham, United Kingdom

Join Quality Sports for Gymnastics, Street Dance, Athletics, Rugby, Multi Skills, Drama, Talent Show Performances, Hockey, Dodgeball, Bench ball, Football, Tennis, Basketball, Den Building, Arts & Crafts, Baking, Free Play, AirTrack, Archery. To Book:- www.qualitysport.co.uk

Swimming and sports with OCL

Oldham Leisure Centre Middleton Road, Oldham, United Kingdom

We have places available for children ages 8-11 that cannot currently swim and are entitled to means tested free school meals. Ideally children will attend all 4 days to obtain the best results. Parents will need to contact Sport@ocll.co.uk and provide a HAF code. In return they will be send a booking link.    If you […]

Dream Big Sports SEND Camp

Hathershaw College Bellfield Ave, Oldham, United Kingdom

Dream Big Sports provide children aged 5-16 the opportunity to stay engaged & physically active during the school holidays, through a range of sports and activities. We have a dedicated team of Holiday Camp coaches who know how to provide an unforgettable experience outside of term time! Bookings can be made via the following link […]

Oldham Greenhill Sports and Recreation Centre

Kaly’s Play Centre Havelock Street, Oldham

Enriching activities include building confidence, trying new things, socialising, learning new skills. Sessions include physical activities such as football, netball, cricket, rounders, tag rugby, Zumba, table tennis. Children and young people will be educated on nutrition through workshops and activities. Children will also make fruit kebabs and talk about the benefits of the eating healthily.  […]

Outta Skool

Kicksonic Waddington Street, Oldham

Outta Skool Is a multi Sports organisation with clubs in Football, Boxing, Taekwondo, Muay Thai and Kabaddi. To book:- https://eequ.org/experience/5489 Parents can also pick up registration forms from Kick Sonic  […]

Buds & Blossoms Failsworth

Holy Family Church 190 Lord Lane, Oldham

Come and join us at Buds & Blossoms Failsworth for a fun filled Winter Holiday Club open 10am-2pm, holiday care with a range of activities including arts and crafts, sports and exercise, cooking, reading, games, role play, painting and drawing, musical instruments, Science experiments, yoga, free play and much more. To Book – https://forms.gle/S6D4RCg3j2MgLt249 Or […]

Oldham Community Football Academy

St Thomas CE Primary School St Thomas Street, Oldham

We offer physical activities like, gymnastics , archery, girls rugby coaching, football, netball and basketball to encourage the children to be active. Fun and games activities will be offered including […]

Event Series SPARK Winter HAF


Beever Family Hub Moorby Street, Oldham +4 more

SPARK Winter HAF offer free activities over the Christmas period for families within the community. Socials: @SPARKOLDHAM Text HAF at 07879 468845 to book onto the session.  

Soccer Stars

Holy Family RC Primary School Lime Green Road, Oldham, United Kingdom

We provide a range of Indoor and outdoor games and sports to help you learn new skills and develop existing ones in both cooperative and competitive activities in a safe […]
