Midwifery Antenatal Clinic
Medlock Vale Family Hub Hadfield Street, Oldham, United KingdomMidwifery appointment for you and your unborn baby. Appointments from Midwives will come through Badger notes.
Midwifery appointment for you and your unborn baby. Appointments from Midwives will come through Badger notes.
Development clinics are offered at the family hubs to assess the development of children between the ages of 9-12 months and 24-30 months old by practitioners from the Health Visiting […]
Development clinics check the progress of children aged 9-12 months and 24-30 months. Health Visitors conduct assessments to help parents ensure their children are developing well. Many things can be […]
Midwifery appointment for you and your unborn baby. Appointments from Midwives will come through Badger notes.
Citizens Advice offers free, independent, and confidential advice on housing, homelessness, and money information. The offer will include drop-in session 9:30am to 12noon for residents to access at Royton Town […]
Help with money worries, advice on benefits and Council Tax and more.
Free play and stimulation sessions for children up to five years old. Booking only please - contact the Family Hub for more details.
The Council housing team provide advice and information about housing and homelessness.
Free play and stimulation sessions for children up to five years old. See a Health Visitor to discuss your child’s development and answer any of your questions or concerns.
If you rent your home from a private landlord and have questions about your rights, or need further advice or information, the Tenancy Relations Service can help.