What's On Oldham

1-1 Business Information Session

BIPC Oldham Oldham Library & Lifelong Learning Centre, Greaves Street, Oldham

Book a 1-1 Business Information Session to talk with an information professional about the resources available to your business.

Mindfulness Walks

Failsworth Library Oldham Road, Oldham

Adult wellness walks with Oldham Libraries.

Positive Parenting – TEEN Triple P

Medlock Vale Family Hub Hadfield Street, Oldham

Positive Parenting TEEN workshops are for parents of young people aged 10-16 years who want tom learn skills to manage common difficulties that they may experience, topics include getting teenagers […]

POINT Drop-in

Spring Meadows Family Hub Leamington Street, Oldham

The drop in’s are for families of children aged 0-25 who have or may have SEND, to meet POINT and ask for any questions or highlight support they may require.
