Ida founded Oldham Wednesday Walkers in 1986 following her retirement. Oldham Community Centre had 2 walking groups but neither had a vacancy. Ida was inspirational in forming her own group with just 10 people on the very first walk. The club now has 264 walkers with 6 different levels of walks. With Ida's determination and drive over the years the club's numbers are still growing.
Ida ran the club single handedly for around 8/9 years before it became so successful that a committee was formed to help administer it. Now it has a Chairperson, Constitution, and Officers with Ida as President. The club has helped people who are recovering from an illness or the bereaved, and helps them gain confidence. Ida has made such an impact on so many people's lives with her unstinting and supportive help.
The club now organises holidays, day trips, quarterly get-togethers, Christmas lunches and training schemes during each year. In 2018, we nominated Ida for a Queen's New Year honour and in 2019 she received a British Empire Medal from the Lord Lieutenant of Greater Manchester for her services to the community. This was followed by a garden party at Buckingham Palace.
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