John Walton

John has been the Oldham Ramblers' Association footpath secretary for 42 years. Over the course of his tenure he has organised the annual inspection and reporting of the Oldham Way and weekly footpath/bridleway maintenance.

These tasks have been undertaken by volunteers who have given their time freely to enhance our Rights of Way Network. John has actively been involved in countless planning consultations throughout the years, championing the rights of walkers and residents of the borough who wish to exercise on foot and maximise their enjoyment of Oldham's Rights of Way.

He has also been responsible for the extending of the network by claiming footpaths that have been walked but not previously recorded. The hours John has dedicated to maintaining, enhancing and promoting Oldham's Definitive Rights of Way Network should be recognised and celebrated - 42 years (and still going) worth of unpaid working on behalf of Oldham Residents deserves promoting and recognition.


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