My name is Edward Peter, or Teddy. I was born in August 2019, but not due until November. I spent four months in hospital, where amazing doctors and nurses helped me get better. I weighed 984 grams. My lungs hadn't developed, so I needed help breathing, and my tiny tummy required special feeding support.
Despite many ups and downs, I grew into a strong boy! After 121 days in hospital, I was allowed to go home. My lungs were still growing, so I had two prongs in my nose to give me oxygen until I was two. As I grew older, my mummy and daddy noticed some unique things about me. I have autism, meaning I’m a little different than other children. However, my family embraces my differences and loves me for me! I love planets and books, and I even speak eight different languages!
One of the most special things about me is my twin sister, Matilda Elizabeth, ‘Tilly’. The protective sac around her started leaking too soon, and doctors were worried we might be born immediately. Tilly was so strong and clever; she kept us in our mummy's tummy for another six weeks. When we were born, Tilly was more poorly than me. She weighed 879 grams. Despite the efforts of staff, she went to heaven at two days old. I'm so grateful to her for giving me extra time to grow and I love her very much. I know she is an angel now, always watching over me.
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